Privacy Policy

GDPR 2018
HMF Privacy Policy – dated 21st May 2018

This policy covers HMF Ltd in respect of any personal data processed and explains in a clear and concise manner what data we hold, where it is kept, how long we intend to keep it for, what format it is in and why we need it.

What data we may hold

The only data HMF may hold will be company business data and contact within that business. We will in the process of contracting our goods and services obtain directly:

Customers / Potential customers

  • Company name
  • Company address
  • Site / delivery address if different to above
  • Contact details of individuals dealing with us within that company including name, phone number and email address


  • Company name
  • Company address
  • Contact details of individuals dealing with us within that company including name, phone number and email address
  • Bank details for suppliers to enable payment obligations
  • CIS details and UTR if applicable
  • Employees
  • Name
  • Address
  • Date of birth
  • Tax code
  • Employee bank details for payroll purposes


Where is your data kept?

Your data is held at HMF office. Address: Hawkeswood Road, Northam, Southampton, Hampshire, SO18 1AB

How long is your data kept?

Due to the nature of ongoing potential repeat business, data on suppliers and customers is kept for a minimum period of 12 years. This is also maintained for the reason of professional insurance period cover for works/services supplied.

Generally unless requested to remove the data which is limited and freely accessible and specifically related to company business the data will be kept indefinitely and only updated as and when advised of any changes.

What format will data be kept and with what security measures?


Data will be kept on our enquiries register and database held on our secure server at HMF offices
Data is backed up to backup tapes and secured in a locked archive room
Data can be accessed only by HMF employees via password protected personal computers and laptops
Hard copies are kept within job files maintained on premises which is key fob secure
Once archived files are kept in locked archive room
Relevant data will be placed on purchase orders for the supply of goods and services and passed to relevant third parties for the supply of said goods and services
HMF employees may have details on mobile phones which again are password / passcode protected

Data is kept on database held on secure server
HMF employees may have details on mobile phones which again are password / passcode protected
Data is backed up to backup tapes and secured in a locked archive room
Data can be accessed only by HMF employees via password protected personal computers and laptops
Hard copies are kept within job files maintained on premises which is key fob secure
Once archived files are kept in locked archive room
Bank details are kept on Sage accounting software and hard copy in files maintained in locked cabinets within secure building

Hard copy contract data in maintained in locked cabinets in secure building
Digital records held on server and on Sage software

Why do we hold your data?


  • To arrange supply and delivery of goods and services to your premises
  • To make arrangements for meetings / surveys and delivery of goods with specifics company contacts
  • To give to third party suppliers for delivery of their goods and services as ordered
  • To arranges attendance at surverys etc. pre-order to enable quotations to be supplied


  • Bank details to arrange payment for goods and services
  • Contact details to enable purchase orders to be placed or to make enquiries for quotation for supply of goods and services


  • Bank details for payroll
  • Other details for contract of employment reasons


What we will not do with your data
We will not sell on your data to third parties. The data will only ever be passed to third parties for the purposes of supply and delivery of goods and services.

Legal basis for holding data

HMF Ltd has legitimate interest in holding data. The data is strictly relevant to company to company business engagements and on balance forms little risk to individuals involved. Once orders are placed the data has contract legality as the data is essential to meet the obligations of the contract entered into i.e. delivery addresses and contact information.

Your rights

Under GDPR 2018 you have the right to access the data we hold, the right to correct any data we hold and the right to have all the data held on you removed. Simply contact HMF offices on 02380 631888 to request any of the above actions.

Get a free quote for your next project

Tell us about your project, so we can organise a free quote.

We will get in touch with you as soon as possible. We will not transfer your information to any third parties.


We'll be in touch!